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Steps to create a simple webpage

Steps to create a webpage

For creating we have to software

  • TestEditor(Notepad,Notepad++,EditPlus,Brackets,Sublime,etc....)
  • Web Browser(Internet Explorer,Google chrome,etc...)

 Note:-I tell you TextEditor used to write HTML File here. And Browser is used to show output...

So basically we first use Notepad and Google chrome

Steps to create

1. Open Notepad(Shortcut key is Windowskey+R and type notepad and press Enter)

2. Write Html code here

3. Save this file with htm or html  extension.(e.g web.htm or web.html)

4.Open this html file by using Google chrome  where you save at location .

5. So Output will appear I mean webpage will show.

So see this step by step





I hope you will have to understand how to create webpage.
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