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Steps to change app name in androidx

Steps to change app name in androidx

I tell you How we change name in android studio
after when  you start a working on your project.

So let's start

HelloApplication is old name of our application.we have to change this app name AndroidWithAtul.

we have to find strings.xml file
So for this 
follow this location....
1.click on app folder 
2.Then click on res folder
3.Then click values folder
4.Then click strings.xml file

strings.xml file contains all string which are used in your whole application.It make more easy to modify name.

When you click on string.xml file .Then there is some code appear like this...

<string name="app_name">Hello application </string>

like this we will have to change app name Hello application

<string name="app_name">AndroidwithAtul </string>

like this then save you file by pressing ctrl+s
and run your application

So output appear like this

I hope all of you will understand how to change your app name in android studio.
Thanks for reading my blog.........

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